20+ Vegan Recipes Made From Pantry Staples (2024)

Published: · by Nicole · Updated: · This post may contain affiliate links.

20+ vegan recipes made from pantry staples! Breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert ideas that require basic ingredients, but don’t miss any flavour. Many gluten-free and oil-free options too.

20+ Vegan Recipes Made From Pantry Staples (1)

(Be sure toPin this for laterto go back to whenever you need ideas for a pantry-friendly dinner!)

I was thinking about the content that I could put out that would be helpful to you all in these times, and a roundup of recipes that you can make using simple pantry ingredients seemed an obvious choice. After all, oftentimes simple, back-to-basics recipes are my favourite. Just how much flavour you can create with basic ingredients always amazes me.

Of course on certain days I just throw together some plain rice and beans with a tahini drizzle. Or have oats 3 times in a row. But cooking is also like therapy for me and getting creative in the kitchen always spreads so much joy throughout the house.

So I went through my blog and picked out my favourite recipes that are uncomplicated, but big on flavour and ingredient simplicity. Think pastas, stir-fries, rice of all sorts, noodles, soup, curries … I’ve also thrown in a couple of desserts because chocolate = a big mood right now.

When making these recipes, feel free to sub in anything you have on hand. For instance, if you don’t have a certain vegetable, most of the time it works to replace it with a different one of your choice. Likewise, feel free to swap around bean varieties and any spices based on what you have/feel like eating. And of course, if you need any help, feel free to send me an email or a DM onInstagram!

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert ideas that require basic ingredients, but don’t miss any flavour.

One of the most popular recipes on my blog, and one that I make all the time for myself! Enjoy it over a bed of fluffy rice for comfort food at its best that’s ready in under 30 minutes.

This is a great one for all you savoury breakfast lovers out there! But the fantastic thing is that you can make this recipe for dinner too. So it’s pretty much an all-round versatile delight.

Make this chickpea stir-fry if you want something light, tangy and refreshing. Add whatever vegetables you have on hand, and save any leftovers for lunch the next day.

This has to be one of my favourite soups of all time! The flavours are absolutely incredible, despite the simplicity of the ingredients. Garnish with herbs of your choice, and you’ll have a meal that the whole family will love.

Curry flavours are my absolute favourite! These ‘meatballs’ are freezer-friendly, and taste even better together with the creamy and rich curry sauce.

This one is fantastic for batch cooking! Made from simple ingredients, this stew is packed full of flavour and incredibly satisfying. Would definitely recommend it to any sweet potato fans like myself!

These sheet pan potatoes are an ideal option for meal prep and taste absolutely incredible. If you don’t have tofu on hand, simply leave it out or swap for beans of your choice. Serve either as a main course or a side dish.

Stuffed potatoes make an incredible base for any filling of your choice, and this one made with chickpeas is one of my personal favourites. Serve with mashed avocado on top, and you’re good to go!

One pot meals are the way to go when it comes to minimising time, effort and washing up. Essentially all you have to do is dump the ingredients into a pot, stir occasionally, and then serve up (ensure to make extra, because in my experience, seconds are a must).

Peanut butter and tahini in one treat? Yes please! Make these for when those sweet tooth cravings hit, with more peanut butter smeared on top.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a great budget-friendly option. These ones are made with a mushroom and rice filling, topped with an easy tomato sauce. Optional is a generous serving of vegan cheese, but it’s just as good without.

This is one of my favourite soups, and one that I’ve been eating my whole life! Add any vegetables of your choice for greater versatility. Also save some for next day, because it can taste even better reheated!

Sweet and sour flavours are always super comforting and definitely hit the spot. Not only that, but this meal is also ready around 10 minutes, hence I make it all the time for myself when I’m in a rush (which is more often than not, lol).

If you like spicier food, this one may be for you. Chili is the sort of meal anyone could look forward to after a long day. This one uses butter beans for texture and also a serving of plant based protein.

Another excellent breakfast option, that’s meal prep and freezer-friendly. These pancakes are wholesome, soft, and even better with a generous drizzle of maple syrup, peanut butter or vegan chocolate sauce.

Another one of my favourite soups. They’re so prominent on this list because it’s just so easy to make soup out of vegan pantry staples! Bursting with vegetables and cosiness, this is a soup that could become a regular appearance within your dinner rota.

Vegan butter ‘chicken’ alternative, made with chickpeas! Another recipe that’s a staple in my kitchen. The addition of peanut butter adds so much creaminess and depth to the taste, that you definitely won’t be able to resist seconds!

This classic dish never gets old. Lentil bolognese is super versatile, and a nostalgic dish for many too, given the popularity of bolognese.

Here is some more chocolate for all of you! After all, it’s very hard to eat too much chocolate because in my opinion, such a limit really doe snot exist. Fudgy, moist, and with a perfect level of sweetness, this is chocolate banana bread at its best. Serve with peanut butter and banana, or on its own.

You don’t need any eggs to make a delicious and wholesome fried rice! Even if you leave out the mushrooms, this still makes a phenomenal side dish or main course that’s great for cooking in bulk.

Let me know in the comments: which one of these vegan recipes made from pantry staples was your favourite? What is your go-to basic ingredient dish?

20+ Vegan Recipes Made From Pantry Staples (2024)


What are staple vegan foods? ›

11 Foods Healthy Vegans Eat
  • Legumes. ...
  • Nuts, nut butters, and seeds. ...
  • Hemp, flax, and chia seeds. ...
  • Tofu and other minimally processed meat substitutes. ...
  • Calcium-fortified plant milks and yogurts. ...
  • Seaweed. ...
  • Nutritional yeast. ...
  • Sprouted and fermented plant foods.

What are the staples of a whole food plant based diet? ›

Fruits: berries, citrus fruits, pears, peaches, pineapple, bananas, etc. Vegetables: kale, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peppers, etc. Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc. Whole grains: brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley, etc.

How do I set up a vegan pantry? ›

15 Essentials for your Vegetarian (or Vegan) Pantry
  1. Beans. Though I like to keep a variety of dried or canned beans, I always make sure my pantry has at least two: lentils and chickpeas. ...
  2. Grains. ...
  3. Tempeh. ...
  4. Tofu. ...
  5. Nuts. ...
  6. Dried fruits. ...
  7. Vegetable stock. ...
  8. Nutritional yeast.

What do picky vegans eat? ›

36 Easy Vegan Dinner Ideas That Even Picky Eaters Will Love
  • 01 of 36. Spiced Rice With Crispy Chickpeas. ...
  • 02 of 36. Fish-Free Ceviche. ...
  • 03 of 36. Slow Cooker Black Bean Posole. ...
  • 04 of 36. Tofu Asada With Caramelized Onion Refried Beans. ...
  • 05 of 36. Vegetarian BLT With Shiitake Bacon. ...
  • 06 of 36. Chickpea Salad Sandwich. ...
  • 07 of 36. ...
  • 08 of 36.
Mar 15, 2024

What is the most eaten vegan food? ›

10 of the most popular vegan recipes
  • Mexican guacamole. Everyone's favourite Mexican dip is 100% vegan. ...
  • Stuffed green bell peppers. Stuffed peppers are prepared in a variety of ways. ...
  • Tabbouleh. ...
  • Spring rolls with soy sauce. ...
  • Caponata. ...
  • Gazpacho. ...
  • Biryani. ...
  • Panzanella.
Mar 24, 2023

What are the most filling vegan foods? ›

Healthful foods that are high in protein, fiber, or both tend to be filling. Rich sources of protein for vegans include foods such as soybeans, pulses, and some nuts and seeds. Oats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit are all good sources of fiber.

What is the downside of a plant-based diet? ›

While a well-balanced plant-based diet can provide a wide range of nutrients, certain essential nutrients are more abundant in animal-derived foods. Plant-based diets can sometimes lead to nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

How to stock a pantry for a plant-based diet? ›

Your focus should be on whole foods such as fresh (or frozen) vegetables and fruit, protein sources that include legumes (lentils, peas, and beans), whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Long-lasting pantry staples include a variety of beans, chickpeas, spinach, coconut milk, tomatoes, olives, and corn.

What pasta is whole food plant-based? ›

Whole grain pasta is also plant-based in most cases, but be sure to read the ingredients before purchasing. Whole-grain pasta has the added benefit of extra fiber and is a good addition to any vegan diet.

Is peanut butter vegan? ›

The bottom line. Most types of peanut butter are free of animal products and can be enjoyed as part of a vegan diet. However, some varieties are made in facilities that also process animal products or contain refined sugar that was produced using bone char or non-vegan ingredients like honey or fish oil.

How to make vegan food cheaper? ›

By simply swapping meat and processed vegan alternatives for more whole food equivalents, such as lentils and chickpeas (great in curries or stews), cooking becomes more cost-effective without sacrificing flavour.

Is there vegan pasta? ›

Is Pasta Vegan? Unfortunately, not all pasta is vegan. We've found pastas of all varieties, from spaghetti to lasagna noodles, with eggs in the ingredient lists. But don't worry—there are widely available vegan pastas that don't involve eggs or dairy and don't skimp on the texture you've come to love.

What is surprisingly not vegan? ›

Beer and Wine

Isinglass, a gelatin-based substance derived from fish, is used as a clarifying agent in some beer and wine. Other non-vegan ingredients sometimes used are casein (from milk) and egg whites.

What do most vegans suffer from? ›

Low vitamin B12 intake is a significant problem in vegan diets due to the exclusion of vitamin B12-rich foods such as meat, poultry, and eggs. A lack of vitamin B12 has been linked to neurologic and hematologic problems [19].

What are the basic foods for vegans? ›

Vegan diets are made up of only plant-based foods. This type of diet includes fruits, vegetables, soy, legumes, nuts and nut butters, plant-based dairy alternatives, sprouted or fermented plant foods and whole grains. Vegan diets don't include animal foods like eggs, dairy, meat, poultry or seafood.

What are staple plant foods? ›

Common plant-based staples include cereals (e.g. rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, oats, rye, spelt, emmer, triticale and sorghum), starchy tubers (e.g. potato, sweet potato, yam and taro) or root vegetables (e.g. cassava, turnip, carrot, rutabagas), and dried legumes (lentils and beans).

What are 10 staple foods? ›

Rice, corn (maize) and wheat make up two-thirds of this. Other food staples include millet and sorghum; tubers such as potatoes, cassava, yams and taro; and animal products such as meat, fish and dairy. Food staples traditionally depend on what plants are native to a region.


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