Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (2024)

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Home » Recipe Index » Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe

by Kara Cook 11 Comments

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This Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream is creamy, rich and chocolatey. And as a bonus, it’s super easy to make!

Summer is in full swing at our house. Our neglected yard is getting some much needed help now that I have four boys home. The phone is ringing off the wall with friends calling to see if said boys can play. The AC is crankin’. The freezer is stocked with popsicles. And we are using every excuse we can find to make homemade ice cream.
I am completely smitten with homemade ice cream and if calories weren’t an issue, I would eat it every single day. Even in the dead of winter. But of course it is absolutely perfect for summertime.
Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (4)

I am always looking for new ice cream recipes to try, as well as changing up some of my favorites by adding different ingredients. I love a good custard based ice cream like my Rocky Road Ice Cream, but sometimes I want something easier.

While perusing my cookbooks, I found a recipe for vanilla ice cream that called for sweetened condensed milk. That stuff makes anything yummy, so I decided to give it a try. I was in the mood for chocolate ice cream, so I added cocoa and toasted almonds and hoped it would work out.

Oh my gosh. Did it ever! For how quick it was to make, I was surprised at how rich and creamy this ice cream turned out. So yummy! I can’t wait to experiment with different flavors. Somebody’s got to. 🙂


  • Raspberry Ice Cream
  • Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream
  • Oreo Ice Cream
  • Rocky Road Ice Cream
  • Cinnamon Ice Cream
  • Butterfinger Ice Cream
  • Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Blueberry Ice Cream
  • Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream
  • Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream


Yield: 6 servings

Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream

Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (6)

Rich chocolate ice cream with toasted almonds

Prep Time14 minutes

Additional Time8 hours

Total Time8 hours 14 minutes


  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 cups cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla
  • 1 cup toasted almonds, chopped


  1. Combine sweetened condensed milk and cocoa in a small saucepan. Cook and stir over medium low heat till thick and creamy, about 3-4 minutes. Cool slightly.
  2. Stir in cream, milk, and vanilla. Chill for 6-8 hours or till very cold.
  3. Churn in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions. Add almonds during last few minutes of freezing time.
  4. Pour into an airtight container and freeze for about 2 hours.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 464Total Fat: 41gSaturated Fat: 20gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 18gCholesterol: 95mgSodium: 151mgCarbohydrates: 16gFiber: 4gSugar: 7gProtein: 10g

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original photo- photos updated 8-2015

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Reader Interactions


  1. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (9)Jennifer

    What size ice cream freezer do you use for this! My freezer is a 6 qt.


  2. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (10)Matthew Hunter

    Thank you for the recipe!!!

    My name is Matthew…..every week I ask someone I care about, “What’s your favorite ice cream?”…..and then I make their favorite flavor and bring it to their home. This morning I texted my sister Ann who has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness.

    I think it was a nice break for her to talk about ice cream rather than chemotherapy and CTScans.

    So her favorite flavor is…..guess….


  3. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (11)Steve

    Farr’s ice cream makes burnt almond fudge and I believe that cache valley buys their ice cream from them. My dad worked at the original factory and store in Ogden by the LDS temple for 26 years. Farr’s distributes in a lot of western states now and I’m 99% sure that Arizona is one of them. So if a local store near carries Farr’s ice cream, request burnt almond fudge ice cream from them! Also, a personal recommendation or two since i have tried pretty much every flavor, their seasonal flavors are amazing like bear lake raspberry in late spring and summer, pumpkin in the fall, candy cane and fire stick in the winter are exquisite. Also, if you love almonds you have got to try almond divinity!


    • Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (12)Steve

      P.S. Blue Bunny has a roasted almond fudge that is pretty good and i know they are all over the country. So does Russell’s ice cream. I’ll let you in on something, if you can get Russell’s, it’s Farr’s! The Farr family bought out the Russell brothers years ago but kept the name, the brand, the pretty new at the time production facility, the trucks, and everything else.


    • Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (13)Kara Cook

      Thanks for all the info Steve! I have got to try the Bear Lake Raspberry, as well as the Almond Divinity. They both sound amazing!


  4. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (14)kara

    So yummy!!


  5. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (15)Clarissa

    So excited to try this! I was traveling through Utah this last week and my family decided to stop in Beaver, UT at the Cache Valley Cheese outlet. They had some Burnt Almond Fudge ice-cream and it was so very tasty! I’m so glad you posted this. Now I won’t have to drive up from AZ to UT to have some of this ice cream! Thank you!


    • Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (16)Kara

      Oh man, the Cache Valley ice cream is amazing! Wish I lived closer to it too. Although it’s probably good that I don’t. 😉


  6. Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (17)thecreativemuslimah

    Hi! This looks soooo luscious and tempting… Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂 do you have to keep stirring it while its in the freezer?


    • Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (18)Kara

      Nope, you don’t have to stir it in the freezer. It just needs to hang out in there for awhile to harden and let the flavors blend. 🙂


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Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream Recipe - Creations by Kara (2024)


What does toasted almond ice cream taste like? ›

This is cold and sweet and full of almond flavor from almond extract and chopped toasted almonds. The mouthfeel of the ice cream is superb - it's smooth, not grainy or icy, and studded with chopped nuts.

Who makes coconut almond fudge ice cream? ›

Cook's Farm Dairy > Products > Cook's Farm Dairy Coconut Almond Fudge Ice Cream.

Why is my ice cream so icy? ›

Ice forms on homemade ice cream due to crystallization, and this process is usually triggered when you don't freeze your ice cream fast enough. Your recipe and storage method may contribute to crystallization as well.

How to fix ice cream that won't freeze? ›

Are you completely chilling the mixture before you add it to the ice cream maker? If you add warm mixture to an ice cream machine, then it won't freeze very well, if at all. The mixture needs to be at fridge temperature (39 °F / 4 °C) or colder. Maybe use a thermometer to make sure it is!

Why did they stop making toasted almond ice cream? ›

We apologize to our customers that may be disappointed by this news, but we're excited to continue offering our customers a wide variety of treats available in stores and ice cream trucks!” To another user, they explained that the change was made as a result of lower customer interest: “We're always updating our ...

What flavor goes good with toasted almond? ›

Mix the roasted 'Nonpareil' almonds with citrusy herbs and spices or use the raw ones in combination with exotic fruits, roasted nuts, condensed milk, dulce de leche or cinnamon.

Does Blue Bell make coconut ice cream? ›

Blue Bell Ice Cream is celebrating National Ice Cream Month with the launch of Coconut Cream Pie Ice Cream. Coconut Cream Pie is a coconut French ice cream with flakes of coconut, pie crust pieces and a whipped topping swirl loaded with toasted coconut.

Who makes Jamoca almond fudge ice cream? ›

Baskin-Robbins Jamoca® Almond Fudge showcases coffee ice cream with roasted almonds and a chocolate flavored ribbon.

What is Mackinac fudge ice cream? ›

Creamy vanilla ice cream with rich, chocolate fudge pieces, finished with a butter fudge swirl. Real ingredients. Real moments.

How to fix freezer burnt ice cream? ›

Remove Existing Freezer Burn

Allow the ice cream to melt a little, then remove the crystals with an ice cream scoop or a serrated knife before serving. (Freezer burn ice cream is safe to eat since ice crystals do not spoil the ice cream.)

How to stop homemade ice cream from going icy? ›

Sugar, corn syrup or honey, as well as gelatin and commercial stabilizers, can all keep your ice cream at a softer consistency. Ice cream also stays softer when you store it in a shallow container, rather than a deep tub, and cover the surface of the ice cream with plastic wrap to keep ice crystals from forming.

What is the white stuff on ice cream? ›

Question: What causes the presence of white particles in melted ice cream? Answer: Such particles are either destabilized protein (the explanation behind the industry's use of the term "curdy" to describe such a condition) or structures of agglomerated fat.

Why is my homemade ice cream not creamy? ›

Using dairy with a low fat content.

It's what gives ice cream its rich flavor and smooth, creamy texture. Substitutes like low-fat or skim milk don't freeze as well, seriously lack in flavor, and leave ice cream with an icy texture. → Follow this tip: When you're making ice cream, it's time to embrace fat content.

Why does my homemade ice cream freeze so hard? ›

Similarly, too little sugar in ice cream can make it rock hard. Because sugar lowers the freezing point of the water in ice cream, the right amount will keep your ice cream from freezing completely – which is to say, leaves it scoopable instead of turning it into a brick of ice.

What ingredient makes ice cream not freeze? ›

The presence of sugars in the water lowers the mixture's freezing temperature to below 0°C. Here's why that's important. As ice crystals start to form, the concentration of sugars and other dissolved materials in the unfrozen liquid increases, which further lowers its freezing point.

Do toasted almonds taste better? ›

Toasting almonds does two things to them: It makes them a little more crunchy and enhances their nutty flavor. While they do take a bit more time to prepare than sliced almonds, they are well worth the wait.

Is toasted almond good? ›

Almonds are healthy, flavorful, and satisfying. And toasting almonds makes them even tastier.

What is toasted almond Dunkin? ›

Bursting with notes of toasted almond and cinnamon, Dunkin′ Candy′D Almond artificially flavored coffee is a taste sensation your sweet tooth is sure to love. Convenient coffee pods make this Arabica, dark roast coffee blend easy to brew anytime in your Keurig® coffee maker.

What is a toasted almond crunch ice cream bar? ›

Vanilla ice cream with an almond core coated with a sweet toasted almond cake coating.


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.