Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (2024)



Lilah Winters has been on the run for the last seven years. Moving from pack to pack, and hotel to hotel. Lilah’s mother had been trying her hardest to keep her only child safe. Using any method she could to stay one step ahead of the man from her daughter's nightmares. Just days before her eighteenth, Lilah and her mother are in a car accident, throwing Lilah directly into the path of the very man she was trying to escape. Injured and barely conscious, Lilah has no choice but to accept his help. But that doesn’t mean that she is going to make it easy for him.

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  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Nine.Lilah The next morning, I find Colt packing up the office. “Going somewhere?” I look around at all the half packed boxes in amusem*nt. “We are.” “We are? Did you try talking to me when I was asleep?" He laughs at me, “No, you said you wanted to live in the apartment.” “You’re joking right? None of this sh*t is going to fit in there.” He had more than enough boxes to fill the bedrooms. Plus it would have remnants of her and I couldn't be somewhere like that. “I thought that’s what you wanted?!” He stops packing and places his hands on my small bump “Once, but there was barely enough room for me and ….” I hadn’t mentioned her name since I had set her on fire. Any time there was a fleeting thought, I would push it away and focus on something else. “You can say her name. She can’t hurt you anymore.” “No. Even thinking of her is giving her time. Anyway, what about when this one comes along? A town centre is hardly a place for a newborn wolf or Lycan.” He presses his lips to my ch
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty EightLilahPulling the blade from my chest. My lungs quickly expand, desperate to suck in some oxygen after what had just happened.The wound above my heart, knits itself together, removing almost all trace of nearly being stabbed to death. All that was left was my blood soaked top. For just a single moment, I was afraid to move. Afraid to look at the damage she had done.Linc appears in front of me. His dark eyes searching mine, her blood coated the skin around his mouth and his chin. He stretches a hand out towards me and pulls me to my feet. “You survived.” He mutters, running his eyes over me, “Not very many of the others did.”As I look around, I see that Callie had stopped jerking about, but her eyes were closed and her body was now motionless. Aiden was hunched over, weeping over Ivy’s body, surrounded by dead Lycans. “COLT!”“Here,” His voice is faint in my head. He was still flat on his back, from where Daphne had knocked him down. “You have to burn her.”My eyes flicker across
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Seven.Lilah“Snare?” My voice breaks when I say his name. I thought he was long behind us. “What does he have to do with this?” “You should have listened to him. He was watching you. Just as grandmother requested.”“Your grandmother?” Everything was quickly unravelling. Everything that Daphne had ever done or said was all lies. Out of everyone, she had played me the most, lied to me the most. She had used my emotions to get what she wanted and I had fallen for it, again and again and again.“It really was you. You are the one that made the hospital cave in on us. You almost killed yourself!”She chuckles. “I knew I wouldn’t die well not completely. But the pissy Hybrid had to get involved, didn’t she. Sharing things that shouldn’t be shared. You and I, we could have been great together. A descendant of The Greats and me, a strong and powerful witch. But you ruined that. No matter what I did, you and your special Colt could not be torn apart.”“What about the photo?” Colt croaks from the gr
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Six.Alpha ColtHer breath quickened as she kept her hand steady on my chest. Annoyance maybe, or maybe she finally accepted that someone was lying to her. And that someone was Daphne.She shakes her head at me and moves away. “You’re wrong, Colt.” “Why are you refusing to see what is right in front of you? Even after all the sh*t you have been through, you still want to believe her.”“She won’t lie to me.”“How many times have you heard that? How many times are you going to keep forgiving her?”“She doesn’t need forgiveness this time because it isn’t her!”“Then who? Who do you think it is? And don’t you dare say me, again!”“That Ivy girl.”I wasn’t about to tell her that Aiden isn’t certain about her, because that would just give Lilah more reason to blame her instead of the real culprit. “Ivy was with you.”“Maybe she planned something, maybe she set something up.”“You don’t believe that. You are just trying to convince yourself.”“f*ck off, Colt.” She sits down on the chair, crossin
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Five.Lilah Making my way down the steps, I’m hit with a cold breeze that almost takes my breath away. Looking back, I see Colt and Linc deep in discussion, but at the same time, I could hear Daphne down below, her quiet sobs filling the silence. “Daphne?” She stops crying and her hands appear through the bars of her cell, “Lilah? Is that really you?” Stepping in front of her cell, she pulls me in for an awkward hug, holding on tightly. “Lilah, you have to make them understand.” “I’m trying.” I mutter. “But Colt still thinks you still want revenge, that’s why he is blaming you. He is refusing to listen to me.” “You’re not wrong. I did want revenge, but only because I was angry. When I saw Linc's dead body, anger was all I felt but then… I saw him, standing in front of me, like he had never died, only his eyes were black and all the anger, it disappeared.” “Do you know what happened with the hospital?” I ask quietly She shakes her head. “Linc told me, but it doesn’t make any sense. Ho
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Four.Aiden“You want me to find out if she had something to do with the explosion? Dad, she was with me and mum when it happened.”“Well someone is hiding something.” he snaps.“I agree,” Linc nods his head at me“It’s not me, at least, I don’t think it is.” Daphne mutters from her corner. “It just doesn’t make sense.”I tell her what Ivy told me, and what she had said to my mother. Daphne violently shakes her head. “I have already said, it wouldn’t work that way.” She glances up to my father, “I don’t know what you saw, Colt, And I don’t know what you mean by the light being under my skin. But I am not responsible for everything. You have to stop blaming me.” She leans her head back against the stone wall. I could see the light flickering along her neck.“You’re doing it now.” I stare at her“What?”“The light that dad spoke of.”She looks down at her hands and rolls the sleeves up. Her mouth falls open as she stares at them. “What’s happening to me?”“You’ve not seen this before? What
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Three.Alpha Colt.“Clear the room.”Callie, Aiden and Ivy all make their way out carefully stepping over the shards of china, when Lilah starts to follow, I grab her arm. “Not you. We need to talk.”She scowls at me and tugs her arm away, letting out a groan. I wait for the door to be closed and to listen to their footsteps as they walk away.“Don’t bother, Colt.” Lilah growls at me.“With what?”“You are going to try talking me around. Convince me that Daphne is the bad person. But it’s not her Colt, it’s you.”“What are you talking about?”“This is what it’s all been about, isn’t it?”“Lilah, you are not making any sense.” I literally had no idea what she was going on about.“You never wanted me to have a sister. You wanted me for yourself, with no one around to get involved. But one by one, everyone that has been a part of my life has died. Dad, my mother. Halle, Drake, Grant, my children. The list goes on and on Colt. Who is next?”“It doesn’t mean it’s all my fault.” I snap in frustrat
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty Two.Alpha Colt“No,no,no,no,no.” Linc mutters from next to me as his hand starts disappearing. His dark eyes flick up to where my mate is and back to his hand.“She’s dead!” It was the only thing that made sense. It was why Aiden was hugging his mother, it was why I could hear my mate crying. And it was why Linc was losing his hand all over again.Ivy says nothing. She watches my son and Lilah with wide blue eyes. A slight frown forming, but the frown quickly disappears when she sees me looking at her.“I will go and help.” She declares and starts climbing over the rubble towards my mate and son.“Well, I guess we didn’t need to kill her after all.” I mutter to Linc“If she’s dead, so is her magic.” He shows me that he can move around freely. “It's gone.” He beams at me but those dark eyes show an emptiness that seemed to go on forever. I could deal with Linc later, right now my mate needed me more.Aiden carries Daphne's body over the rubble back towards me. While Ivy helps to keep Lila
  • Fated to the Lycan KingOne Hundred and Thirty One.Lilah.“Mum, just calm down.” Aiden is growing frustrated with my pacing. “Please, just sit down.”“You are my son, why are you keeping me locked up?”“I’m just following Dad’s orders. What the hell happened in there?”“I don’t know.”“How can you not know? You were in there when the first explosion went off.”“Daphne was still unconscious. I was holding her hand when the roof started caving in. Colt, he pulled me away. He blocked me from the falling ceiling. He….” I knew he was blaming Daphne, but there had to be more to it. There just had to be.“Aiden, you need to let me go out there!”“No mum. Dad made it clear, you are to stay here with me and Ivy.”“Daphne is my sister!”“And she is the one who did this!” He glares at me with his grey eyes“I’m not so sure.” Ivy mutters from the window.“What?” Both Aiden and I speak in unison.Ivy hadn’t spoken a word since we had been in the house, well not to me anyway. She had spent the entire time watching what was happening from the window

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Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (19)


What's the title for book 2? already started?

2024-05-19 09:11:28

Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (21)


Great book. I am hooked from the first chapter...I knew something is different here

2024-04-24 23:51:51


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (22)


Very good story and plot, some grammatical errors but not enough to put you off the book. Chapters were a nice length and the storyline is none stop action of events I just had to finish. Very different from other books, great job Author!!

2024-03-08 10:30:48


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (23)

Andrea W

I really enjoyed this book and looking forward to reading the next one.

2023-12-27 21:58:41


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (24)

Olivia J Miranda

This was a great book. I was wondering if the second one is out yet?

2023-09-22 14:06:29


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (25)


Is there any cheating or other women drama in this book? And is there a happily ever after?

2023-08-02 18:45:48


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (26)

Ro Sanna

Great read

2023-07-02 13:23:22


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (27)


1st people need to stop correcting British English spellings. lolThe only issue I had with this book is that it was a bit of whiplash on some plot points. I greatly enjoyed the story. I could definitely tell this was written and posted chapter by chapter versus being written as a whole and post

2023-05-24 07:50:42


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (28)

Nikki Vega

Fantastic book

2023-05-20 20:45:59


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (29)

miranda ayco*ck

I love this book

2023-05-14 22:49:20


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (30)

Akisi Naucukidi

I really love this book but I am broke , so I'm always waiting everyday for a new chapter.

2023-05-04 09:42:46


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (31)

Hilarie Andaya

Happy birthday

2023-04-30 08:03:17


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (32)


Such a good book can’t put it down! Can’t wait for more updates

2023-04-24 16:39:57


Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (33)

Mkwakwi Noluyolo

love the book i can't take my eyes of it...

2023-04-23 03:16:22


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Fated to the Lycan King PDF & Novel Online by Taylor West to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.