Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (2024)

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Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies – Made with just a fewingredients,these Peanut Butter Cookies are fudgy, sweet & salty, gluten free and naturally sweetened!

Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (2)

Hello, World!! It’s Friday! Make some noise!!

That was a bit obnoxious, eh? Saying “Hello” to THE world. That’s like saying that the whole world is reading ME…
Aaaand, why isn’t it??

Althooooough, according to Mr. Google’s Analytics, I see 1 girl from Johannesburg and 2 boys from Russia dialing in.
Um. Dialing in? What is this? 1992??

Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (3)

Speaking of 1992. I HATED Peanut Butter back in 1992. It took me like 16.4 years to finally give in. I was more about the Erokrem, known better as Nutella around these parts.
While everyone was carrying aroundPB&J sammiches in their lunch boxes, I was whippin’ out a Macedonian-style sandwich as big as my headslathered with Erokrem. Best.Lunches.Ever. Thanks, Mom! ♥

Then, a few years later, something happened. Actually, college happened. College was about being forever broke and eating cheap. Cheap, as in scrambledeggsfor lunch ANDdinner, and Peanut Butter for dessert. The times that I DID havesome money laying around (how does money just lay around?), I spent it on partying. Err. I mean notebooks!

You should also know that I learned how to make cookies in college. Cookies on the cheap. A.K.A. Betty Crocker’s Cookie-Mix.
Buuuut, I really WISH I had known about this Gluten-Free-deal way back then. I would have saved my thighs a few rubs and some carbs here and there, know what I mean?

Anyway. Peanut Butter Cookies remind me of College. So… yeah.

Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (4)

Now that I’m a grown-up (ewwwww! I hate admitting that!), and can make cookies from scratch, I try to include Peanut Butter whenever and wherever I can.
Looking through my arsenal, I was inspired to make these cookies after seeing the Samoa Peanut Butter Bars that I made few months back. (Slurrrrp….) Followed up by a few searches, this is what I came up with.

Made with just 3 ingredients,maybe 5, these Peanut Butter Cookies are sweet, salty, gluten free and sugar free. BUT NOT taste-free! That’s what we’re looking for, right? It’s all about the taste, dang it!

With so few ingredients, every step in this recipe isimportant. YES it is. Cookies are temperaMENTAL. Got that? SO, don’t skip over the chillin’ part and then call me to tell me that the cookies didn’t work out, m’kay?? 😉

Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (5)

Go, have the greatest weekend ever and make them cookies!

Love you!


Gluten Free Salted Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | Diethood (6)

Katerina | Diethood

Made with just a few ingredients, these Peanut Butter Cookies are fudgy, sweet & salty, gluten free and naturally sweetened.

4 from 5 votes

Servings : 20

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 9 minutes mins

Total Time 25 minutes mins


  • 1 cup smooth peanut butter (I use Smucker's Natural Creamy Peanut Butter)
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • You can also use 3 tablespoons of just honey or just molasses.
  • sea salt or table salt , for sprinkling


  • In a small mixing bowl, combine peanut butter, egg, honey and molasses; whisk until completely incorporated and smooth.

  • Place bowl in the fridge for 10 minutes.

  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; place in freezer for 5 minutes.

  • Preheat oven to 350.

  • Remove peanut butter mixture from fridge and baking sheet from freezer.

  • Shape peanut butter mixture into 1-inch balls.

  • Place peanut butter balls on previously prepared baking sheet.

  • Slightly flatten each ball with a fork, making a cross pattern on the cookies.

  • Sprinkle with salt.

  • Bake for 8 to 9 minutes, or until slightly browned on the bottom.

  • Remove from oven; let stand on baking sheet for two minutes.

  • Transfer to wire racks and let cool completely.

  • Serve.




Calories: 79 kcal | Carbohydrates: 7 g | Protein: 3 g | Fat: 4 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 8 mg | Sodium: 73 mg | Potassium: 103 mg | Fiber: 0 g | Sugar: 3 g | Vitamin A: 10 IU | Calcium: 8 mg | Iron: 0.3 mg

Nutritional info is an estimate and provided as courtesy. Values may vary according to the ingredients and tools used. Please use your preferred nutritional calculator for more detailed info.

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  • Cookies
  • Desserts
  • Holidays
  • Snacks

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    What is the trick to baking with gluten-free flour? ›

    Gluten-free flours often contain fine starches, so they absorb more liquid than conventional flour. To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters. They may also call for a larger quantity of leavening, like baking powder, to help add volume and lighten the texture.

    How do you get gluten-free cookies to stick together? ›

    Remember: Xanthan Gum is Your Friend

    It might sound scary, but xanthan gum is key for successful gluten-free baking. It helps bind together the ingredients, preventing your cookies from falling to pieces. Be careful to not use too much; no one likes gummy baked goods.

    Why are my gluten-free cookies dry and crumbly? ›

    One of the most common gluten-free baking tips is “let your batter rest”. Letting the batter rest gives the gluten-free flours and starches more time to absorb the moisture. In theory, it will turn your dry, crumbly cakes into delicious, moist masterpieces.

    Why are my 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies falling apart? ›

    My cookies came out dry and crumbly. What did I do wrong? Possible reasons include over-baking, improper peanut butter consistency, using a smaller egg, or inaccurate ingredient measurements. To avoid this issue, monitor baking time, mix natural peanut butter well, use a large egg, and measure ingredients accurately.

    Can I just replace flour with gluten free flour? ›

    If the original recipe calls for 260 grams of all-purpose flour, substitute with 260 grams of your blend. Beat the batter more. Because gluten-free flours provide less structure than all-purpose, the batter or dough you make with them may require more beating than that which you are accustomed.

    What is the best gluten free flour for cookies? ›

    What's the best gluten-free flour for baking? Bob's Red Mill gluten-free 1-to-1 baking mix is my favorite gluten-free all-purpose flour blend for baking. It has a mild texture and plenty of "stick" thanks to a blend of sweet rice flour, brown rice flour, and sorghum flour, plus some starches and xanthan gum.

    What holds gluten-free cookies together? ›

    6- If your cookies still insist on spreading, add an extra 1/4 cup of my gfJules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour to the remaining dough to help hold them together (also helps at high altitude!).

    Should you refrigerate gluten free cookie dough before baking? ›

    And refrigerate the dough if it's too sticky.

    Gluten-free cookie dough is stickier than standard cookie dough, but chilling it can help. This is because cold dough is less sticky, and it doesn't spread as easily, too.

    Should I add xanthan gum to gluten-free cookies? ›

    Using xanthan gum helps provide some of the stickiness that gluten free goods lack, replacing some elasticity. Xanthan gum mimics some of gluten's most essential properties by sticking to flour and its moisture. This helps create moist goods that hold their shape after being baked.

    How do you improve the texture of gluten-free cookies? ›

    Use xanthan gum or guar gum: Gluten-free flours lack the elasticity and structure that gluten provides, so adding a binder like xanthan or guar gum can help to hold the ingredients together and give your baked goods a better texture.

    How to make gluten-free baking more moist? ›

    Moisture – for some reason gluten-free cakes tend to get a little dry. Any gluten-free cake will dry out super-fast and get hard on the outside if it's not properly refrigerated and covered. I swear by always using buttermilk and adding a little more fat into the batter to compensate for the dryness.

    Why do gluten-free cookies taste weird? ›

    Any taste differences also depend on which flour or flours are used and in what proportions. The variety of gluten-free flours is advantageous in that they can be blended to achieve the results that bakers want. Baking with gluten-free flour will produce some slight differences in taste or texture.

    What happens if you don't flatten peanut butter cookies? ›

    If you don't flatten the cookies first, then the fork does double duty – it performs both functions. One very subtle result of creating the pattern is that the little tips of dough bake up crisper than the rest of the cookie, giving you both a bit of additional texture and deeper taste where the dough is more baked.

    Why don't peanut butter cookies need flour? ›

    I was shocked to discover that these peanut butter cookies were flourless. But if you think about it in terms of baking theory and pastry techniques, it makes sense—peanut butter contains so much fat that it doesn't really need that much flour for structure and gluten.

    How to keep peanut butter cookies from falling apart? ›

    Here are some tips for making the best peanut butter cookies:
    1. Use room temperature ingredients. This will help the dough come together more easily.
    2. Don't overmix the dough. Overmixing can make the cookies tough.
    3. Chill the dough before baking. ...
    4. Bake the cookies until they are just golden brown.
    Aug 8, 2022

    Is it harder to bake with gluten free flour? ›

    Gluten-free baking is a lot harder than traditional baking because gluten protein is what gives baked goods their structure.

    Do you have to bake longer with gluten free flour? ›

    Gluten-free baked goods often benefit from extra liquid to hydrate the flour blends, eliminate grittiness, and achieve a less dense or dry texture. However, it's very important to drive off this extra moisture during baking, or you'll wind up with a gummy texture. The best way to do this? Longer baking times.

    How do I substitute gluten free flour for all purpose? ›

    Gluten-Free Bread Flour can be swapped 1:1 for all-purpose flour and bread flour by both weight and volume.

    Should you add baking powder to gluten free flour? ›

    2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of gluten-free flour is necessary to ensure proper leavening. Baking soda and buttermilk can be used to leaven instead of baking powder, but 1-1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar should be added for each 1/2 teaspoon baking soda used.


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