Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (2024)

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Your liver is the second largest organ in your body (besides your skin), and it affects everything: immunity, digestion, nutrient absorption, how your skin looks, and more. It's important to keep your liver happy, and these detox green juice recipes, full of veggies and herbs, are just the thing to show your liver some love.

7 Detox Green Juice Recipes

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (1)

1. Liver Love Juice

Cucumber and celery are super hydrating with a high water content, while asparagus is a powerful diuretic [source]. This mellow juice is perfect for when you need a fresh pick-me-up.

—1 cucumber
—5 asparagus spears
—10 stalks celery
—Handful of parsley
—Handful of cilantro
—2 lemons, peeled
—2 ounces of aloe vera juice

Juice all ingredients except aloe vera. Pour into glass(es) and stir in aloe juice.

2. Green Baby Juice

A dash of cayenne and a little ginger kick this green juice up a notch—and they help stimulate your metabolism.

—6 leaves kale
—1 cucumber
—5 stalks asparagus
—5 stalks celery
—1-inch piece fresh ginger
—Dash of cayenne

Juice all ingredients and pour into glass(es) and add a dash of cayenne.

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (2)

3. Antioxidant Punch Juice

Dandelion greens are a super nutritious green containing high levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is known to provide strong protection against cellular damage and oxidative stress [source].

Combined with lemon, celery, and cucumber, this green juice will deliver a real antioxidant punch! If you can't find dandelion greens, try arugula or kale.

—8 stalks celery
—1 cucumber
—1 lemon with peel
—1 lemon, peeled
—3 dandelion greens

Juice all ingredients and pour into glass(es).

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (3)

4. The Newbie

Even juicing beginners will love this super-simple detox juice. Romaine lettuce, celery and cucumber have plenty of water (hello, hydration and satiety), while apples and lemons help regulate your blood sugar after you've overdoing it on sweets. Did someone say beach-ready?

—1 cup lettuce or greens
—1 cucumber
—5 stalks celery
—1 green apple
—1 lemon, juice only

Juice all ingredients except lemon. Pour into glass(es) and mix in lemon juice.

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (4)

5. The Detoxer

(Literally) spice up your juice routine with antioxidant-rich, vitamin C-packed cilantro and parsley, and metabolism-boosting ginger and cayenne. This detox juice recipe also works great as an immunity booster if you're feeling under the weather.

—2 cucumbers
—handful of parsley
—handful of cilantro
—4 leaves kale
—4 leaves Swiss chard
—5 stalks celery
—1-inch piece of ginger, peeled
—2 lemons, juice only
—dash cayenne pepper, optional

Juice all ingredients except lemon. Pour into glass(es) and mix in lemon juice.

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (5)

6. Beet Green

When it comes to cleansing your liver, beets and greens are the way to go. This juice helps rehydrate and get the liver working normally again—especially helpful if you overdid it on the co*cktails recently.

—1 beet
—1 cucumber
—4 stalks celery
—4 leaves kale
—1 lemon, juice only

Juice all ingredients except lemon. Pour into glass(es) and mix in lemon juice.

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (6)

7. Celery Juice

Despite being considered a boring veggie for many years (isn’t it just crunchy air?), celery is actually very nutrient-dense. It’s low in calories, high in fiber and water, and rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, vitamin C, beta carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

What’s most impressive about celery is its phytochemical content. It is known to be an incredibly powerful antioxidant [source]. Specifically, celery contains a wide variety of antioxidant polyphenols, which prevent cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals, boosting the immune system, modulating inflammation, and protecting against disease [source].

So celery’s newfound “celeb status” is well-deserved based on the fact that it is loaded with beneficial micronutrients and phytochemicals that are the foundation of a health-promoting diet. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood pressure [source], has been shown in studies to lower serum lipids [source] and glucose levels in pre-diabetics [source], and it was even shown to protect the stomach lining from ulcers in animal studies [source].

The celery juice craze was started by Anthony William, aka the Medical Medium, who says it is “one of the most powerful and healing juices we can drink." To really reap the benefits of celery juice, William suggests that celery be juiced (no pulp), consumed on its own (no lemon, ice, etc.) and on an empty stomach first thing in the morning at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

Before you go...

A green juice is a great way to detox daily. But don't forget your other liquids! Consume cleansing lemon water every morning upon rising. Stay hydrated by drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily. For a boost in cellular regeneration, add 1 teaspoon of chlorophyll, spirulina, or any green powder to 10 ounces of water 1 to 3 times a day or try this chlorophyll limeade.

Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (7)

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2 votes

How To Make Celery Juice

Is it healthy or hype? A functional nutritionist explains the benefits of celery juice and why you might want to add it to your diet.

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time0 minutes mins

Total Time10 minutes mins

Course: Smoothies + Juices

Cuisine: Beauty

Keyword: celery, gut health

Servings: 1

Author: Stephanie Gerber

Cost: $5


  • High-speed blender

  • Nut milk bag

  • Large bowl


  • 1 head of organic celery
  • Splash of filtered water


  • Wash and roughly chop the head of celery into chunks.

  • Add the chunks to a blender along with a splash of water.

  • Blend until smooth.

  • Pour into a large bowl through a nut-milk bag.

  • Squeeze the juice through the bag into the bowl.

  • Drink the juice immediately for the most benefits.

  • Compost the residual pulp, if possible!


To really reap the benefits of celery juice, it's suggested that celery be juiced (no pulp), consumed on its own (no lemon or ice), and taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

It is best to drink the juice immediately after preparing it to reap the most benefits. While it can be saved in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, it will lose some of its nutrients over time.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Gina Jansheski, a licensed, board-certified physician who has been practicing for more than 20 years. Learn more about Hello Glow's medical reviewers here. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Photos by Ana-Maria Stanciu


Love Your Liver with 7 Detox Green Juice Recipes (2024)


What is the best drink to flush your liver? ›

Below, we explore 11 drinks that are often reported to support liver health — and tell you what the research says about each one.
  • Ginger tea. ...
  • Grapefruit juice. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar. ...
  • Lemon water. ...
  • Cranberry juice. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Oat tea. ...
  • Beetroot juice. Several studies have been done to evaluate the potential benefits of beetroot juice.
Mar 1, 2024

What is the best juice to cleanse your liver? ›

Beetroot juice: Beetroot juice is a great way to detox your liver and improve its function. They are high in antioxidants and help to cleanse the blood. They also promote healthy liver function by helping to break down toxins. Try adding some beet juice to your diet for better liver health.

How can I detox my liver in 7 days? ›

Love your liver in 7 days
  1. Day 1: Drink more water and less alcohol. ...
  2. Day 2: Drink two cleansing teas per day. ...
  3. Day 3: Eat two portions of broccoli, kale or cauliflower a day. ...
  4. Day 4: Add herbal supplements into your diet every day. ...
  5. Day 5: Try tongue scraping. ...
  6. Day 6: Apply a castor oil pack to your liver. ...
  7. Day 7: Get a sweat on.

What is the fastest way to repair your liver? ›

The best way to reverse the damage is to remove whatever is causing it. For example, if you have fatty liver caused by drinking alcohol, it's important to stop drinking. If it's caused by your diet or being overweight, then it's important to eat healthily and lose weight.

What are the signs of a successful liver detox? ›

As the liver heals, positive changes occur throughout the body. The changes can include improvements in how your digestive system functions, the way your skin looks and feels, increased mental clarity, and higher energy levels.

How do I detox my liver asap? ›

How to Detox Your Liver?
  1. Consume More Water. Starting off easy, water is great and one of the best liver detox methods. ...
  2. Sweating Is The Way To Go. It is imperative for your body to sweat. ...
  3. Say Goodbye To Toxic Foods. Fast food has become a way of life. ...
  4. Raw Vegetable Juice To The Rescue. ...
  5. You Need Potassium-Rich Foods.

What are the 5 liver super foods? ›

Top foods and drinks for liver health
  • Coffee. A 2021 study analyzed data from 494,585 people in the United Kingdom to learn how different types of coffee might affect the risk of chronic liver disease, including decaffeinated, instant, and ground coffee. ...
  • Oatmeal. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Prickly pear.

Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver? ›

When it comes to home remedies, apple cider vinegar is a preferred choice since it has amazing detoxification properties. Apple Cider Vinegar works by helping the liver flush out the toxins that can interfere with the body's normal functioning.

Is pineapple good for the liver? ›

Pineapple boasts natural compounds like bromelain, antioxidants, and vitamins, contributing to potential liver health benefits. Bromelain may aid digestion, while antioxidants combat oxidative stress. The fruit's vitamin content, particularly vitamin C, supports immune function, potentially benefiting liver health.

Which fruit is best for liver detox? ›

Lemons, orange , grapefruit , amla which has high vitamin C and antioxidants, citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, limes and lemons support the natural cleansing abilities of the liver. 3. Turmeric root: Turmeric root is your liver's best friend!

What not to eat when doing a liver detox? ›

Sweets and refined sugar, as these foods can cause inflammation and impede liver detoxing. Processed foods, which normally contain chemical additives which can harm the liver.

What is the best drink to repair your liver? ›

Though it is not possible to “flush” or detoxify the liver, there are many antioxidant-rich beverages that can help support liver health. In particular, some studies in humans and animals suggest that green tea , coffee , and beetroot juice may help promote liver function.

What is the best vitamin for the liver? ›

In liver health, B vitamins are needed for the liver's detoxification processes. Methylation, a process required for liver detoxification as well as a host of other bodily functions, requires vitamins B12, B6, and folate. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxal-5-phosphate, is required for glutathione production.

What greens are good for liver repair? ›

Free radicals are molecules that can damage your cells and cause problems, including liver disease. Substances called antioxidants can help get rid of them. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collards are loaded with antioxidants. They're also packed with fiber, and other things your liver needs.

How do you flush out your liver? ›

What foods help detoxify the liver? Some great foods to help cleanse and support liver function include leafy greens like spinach and kale, avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, grapefruit, green tea, turmeric, apples, olive oil, citrus fruits, beets, and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

Does celery juice detox the liver? ›

Celery Juice aids the liver

Studies show that celery helps reduce fat build up in the liver. The nutrients in celery protect the liver, and actually help the liver produce enzymes that help flush fat and toxins out.


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