The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (2024)

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Lovetahinibut not sure how to use it? I’m sharing my favorite easy tahini recipes to help you get started! Enjoy these recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and even dessert!

Move over nut butter, tahini is the new star in town!

Tahini is one of my favorite ingredients because it’ssuperversatile, transitioning from savory to sweet recipes with ease. You can also be thicken or thin the consistency, depending on how you're using it.

Before I share this collection of easy tahini recipes, let’s cover the basics about tahini.

What Is Tahini Made Out Of?

Tahini is made from roasted and ground sesame seeds—that’s it! These tiny seeds are flavorful and nutritious, making tahini a great ingredient to add to your meals.

What Does Tahini Taste Like?

Tahini has a unique flavor that's nutty and slightly bitter. Don't let the bitterness scare you away though, it's not overpowering (in fact, I think it’s good!) and it blends well with other ingredients.

Should You Refrigerate Tahini?

Yes, you should refrigerate tahini after opening it. Since it contains ground sesame seeds, which are high in oil, it can go rancid when you store it at room temperature for too long. It will also separate, so you'll need to stir it each time you use it if you keep tahini in the pantry. To extend the shelf life of your tahini, store it in the fridge and use within 6 months.

What Cuts the Bitterness of Tahini?

You can balance bitterness of tahini by using other ingredients with complementary flavors. Some popular options include lemon juice, garlic, honey, and maple syrup.

My Favorite Easy Tahini Recipes

Ready to put your tahini to use? Let’s get started!

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (3)

Homemade Tahini Recipe

When we talk about easy tahini recipes, we have to start with tahini itself! This homemade tahini recipe is quick and easy to make, requiring just one ingredient. The result is a deliciously creamy tahini that will elevate your dressings, sauces, and even baked goods.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (4)

Maple Tahini Dressing

This delicious maple tahini dressing is a perfect combination of sweet, tangy, and nutty flavors. It adds so many layers of flavor to any salad and you can whip it up in just 2 minutes!

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (5)

Everyday Tahini Sauce

Whether drizzled over roasted vegetables, used as a dip for crispy falafel, or spread onto warm pita bread, the creamy texture and nutty flavor of this classic tahini sauce are sure to satisfy. A multi-tasker you’ll want to always have on hand in the fridge!

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (6)

Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies

These might just be the best chocolate chip cookies ever! Made with a brilliant combination of tahini, quinoa flour, coconut flour, and rich dark chocolate chips, these cookies have a perfect balance of flavors.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (7)

Quinoa Flour Tahini Brownies

Fudgy, chocolatey vegan brownies are upgraded with the surprising addition of tahini. It adds depth and complexity, transforming one-note chocolate brownies into a treat that tastes like it came from a high-end bakery.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (8)

Chili Lime Tahini Sauce

This creamy and drizzle-able chili-lime tahini sauce takes just 5 minutes to whip up, making it one of my favorite easy tahini recipes! It's the perfect accompaniment for tacos, salads, and a wide variety of Tex-Mex dishes. Who needs sour cream?!

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (9)

Tahini Banana Breakfast Cookies

Tahini banana breakfast cookies will help you start your day off right! Made with a delicious blend of wholesome oats, protein-packed quinoa, ripe bananas, and rich tahini, they’re a satisfying and nourishing breakfast that tastes like a treat.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (10)

Chopped Quinoa Salad with Chive-Tahini Dressing

This flavorful chopped quinoa salad is a hearty combination of fresh vegetables, briny olives, nutrient-packed quinoa, and protein-rich chickpeas. It all comes together with a savory chive-tahini dressing!

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (11)

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad with Herbed Tahini Dressing

This refreshing Mediterranean quinoa salad combines ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and protein-rich quinoa with a zippy tahini dressing. I love having this salad for lunch because it manages to be both light and satisfying.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (12)

5-Ingredient Chocolate + Tahini Quinoa Energy Bites

For an easy tahini recipe perfect for a midday snack or post-workout pick-me-up, you will love these rich, fudgy energy bites! The addition of tahini keeps the flavor from being cloying because it adds the perfect amount of balance.

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (13)

Mayo-Free Vegan Coleslaw

Crispy-crunchy vegan coleslaw swaps the usual mayo for tahini, giving it the creaminess you crave, with a much richer flavor. Pile this onto veggie burgers, baked sweet potatoes, and more!

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (14)

Flourless Pumpkin Tahini Blondies

These gluten-free pumpkin tahini blondies will become your new favorite treat for fall! Tahini adds protein and balances the natural sweetness of the recipe.

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (15)

Autumn Chopped Quinoa Salad with Apple Cider + Tahini-Sage Dressing

A delicious salad that is quick to prepare, filling enough to satisfy, and above all, incredibly tasty! It’s everything delicious about fall in a single bowl.

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (16)

Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Mediterranean Quinoa

Sweet potatoes and tahini are one of my favorite pairings! Bright, zippy tahini sauce is amazing with tender, oven-baked sweet potatoes—and this recipe adds chickpeas, sun-dried tomatoes, quinoa, and Kalamata olives for even more flavor.

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (17)

Glowing Winter Quinoa Bowls

Nourishing winter quinoa Buddha bowls are packed with a colorful medley of roasted veggies, then each bowl is generously drizzled with a creamy tahini sauce, adding a nutty, tangy flavor to every bite.

Check out this recipe

The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (18)

Red Quinoa Salad with Roasted Squash, Brussel Sprouts + Maple-Tahini Dressing

Fall veggies are some of my favorites for serving with tahini, and this final easy tahini recipe features two standouts: roasted squash and Brussels sprouts. I make variations of this recipe for lunch all throughout the fall months!

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The BEST Easy Tahini Recipes (2024)


What can I do with tahini? ›

Some common uses of tahini include making dips and hummus, adding a nutty flavor to desserts, using it in vegetarian dinner recipes, or as a base for salad dressings.

What happens when you add water to tahini? ›

A small amount of added water acts like a glue, wetting particles just enough to get them to stick together, but eventually if you add too much water, the mixture turns into an evenly thinned-out liquid.

Why is my tahini not creamy? ›

Adding a few tablespoons of mild-tasting oil is helpful.

This helps the tahini become more smooth, creamy, and drippy.

Does lemon juice thicken tahini? ›

When a small amount of lemon juice (or water) is added to the tahini or peanut butter, the hydrophilic dry particles are drawn to the water. As a result, it clumps up. As water is added, more clumps develop, causing the tahini to thicken overall.

What is tahini commonly used for? ›

This savory condiment is a staple across the globe, originating in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. It's also found in Asian dishes and Greek fare. Tahini can be used as a spread, a dip, a dressing, and serves as a key ingredient in many dishes, including hummus and baba ghanoush.

Should I refrigerate tahini after opening? ›

Do you need to refrigerate tahini? We recommend storing your tahini in a cool and dry area, away from heat and moisture. Ideally, a pantry a cabinet would be ideal. Like peanut butter, you can also store tahini in the refrigerator if you like it thicker.

Why avoid tahini? ›

Because tahini has a high fat content, it has a high number of calories, and moderation is advised for the best health benefits. A large proportion of people with tree nut allergies are also likely to be allergic to sesame seeds.

Why is my homemade tahini bitter? ›

Bitterness is generally part and parcel of tahini - it's how ground sesame seeds taste. What you will find, however, is that some tahini can taste more bitter than others. This is down to a few things; like how that particular tahini is processed, or the levels of something called oxalic acid in the hulls of the seeds.

How do you cut the bitterness out of tahini? ›

If it is too bitter, stir in 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup or honey. And if the flavor is too sharp, mellow it with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon olive oil.

What does bad tahini taste like? ›

The taste will be sour, kind of metallic, and just plain weird. Utilizing a trusty sniff test is another way of finding out if it's time for your tahini to take a one-way trip to the bin. But something that's important to remember is that ground sesame seeds do naturally have a slightly earthy, bitter aftertaste.

How to get tahini smooth? ›

The seeds continue to 'cook' even when taken off the heat, so be careful not to over toast them. Transfer the cooled toasted seeds to a food processor (ideally 600W or more) and blend for 5 - 7 minutes**. The key to smooth and runny tahini is to give it time, so keep blending. Transfer to a container and enjoy!

What does bad tahini look like? ›

Your tahini has expired if it has an unpleasant taste and smell. Additionally, if you see obvious signs of spoilage like a change in color and visible mold growth, it's time to toss the jar of tahini.

How to fix broken tahini? ›

3 Answers. Tahini "seizes up" when a small amount of water-based liquid is added but the emulsion has not yet inverted. It's not really a problem. As more liquid is incorporated, the emulsion will invert and things will become smooth again.

How to fix seized tahini? ›

Knowing that tahini seizes, and how to fix it, is the key to how to make a great sauce with the desired consistency: smooth! Fix the seized mixture with the addition of ice cold water. ​You may only need a little water to smooth out the mixture; it's best to start with less water and add more as needed.

How do you make tahini runny again? ›

Whisk cold water into the tahini to loosen it.

The water will cause the tahini to clump together at first, but these clumps will disappear as you add more water. Continue to add spoonfuls of water until the tahini is as thin as you want it. Keep in mind that the tahini may lose some of its flavor if you thin it a lot.

What can I do with a jar of tahini? ›

Tahini isn't just for hummus. Here are 10 recipes to use up that jar.
  1. Cold Sesame Noodles With Shredded Chicken, above. ...
  2. Chocolate Chunk Tahini Blondies. ...
  3. Salad With Crispy Spiced Chickpeas and Tahini Dressing. ...
  4. Chewy Cranberry, Millet and Pistachio Bars. ...
  5. Tahini-Dressed Zucchini and Green Bean Salad.
Aug 12, 2019

Is tahini better for you than peanut butter? ›

Tahini is lower in carbohydrates and sugars than peanut butter is making it a better choice for people who follow low-carb diets, Politi notes. Both foods are predominantly fat, though peanut butter has a little more protein, Young adds.

Is it okay to eat tahini by itself? ›

It's not as sweet as most nut butters and can be used like peanut butter (or eaten straight off a spoon). You've likely encountered it in hummus, baba ghanoush or in halva—a sweet Middle Eastern confection with the most wonderful crumbly texture.

Can you freeze tahini? ›

Homemade tahini can be refrigerated in an airtight jar or container for up to 1 month. (Before each use, be sure to give the jar a good stir to recombine any separated oil.) Or you can also freeze tahini for 3-4 months, which is a great way to extend its shelf life.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.