The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (2024)


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The original Sacher Torte is THE most famous cake in the world, and has beensince 1832.

This recipe is the closest you will get to the original Sacher Torte. Locked away at the Hotel Sacher is the original recipe. In order to recreate the Original Sacher torte, you will need to give yourself time. Viennese treats, and this wonderful Sacher Torte needs to be made when you have time. Do not rush it. This is no ordinary chocolate cake. You will understand why when you taste this delicious chocolate dessert.

A little bit of history first. In 1832, Prince Metternich asked his court kitchen to create a special dessert for a reception. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, his head chef was ill. The honor of making the special dessert, fell into the hands of a young, sixteen year-old apprentice named Franz Sacher. He put together this marvelous cake, and then and there the Original Sacher Torte was born.His specially created recipe was such a great success. Even Emperor’s and Empress’ were presented with it.

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (1)

Franz Sacher-The creator of the original Sacher Torte.

The Original Sacher Torte in Vienna is recognized by its’ official Sacher chocolate seal. That’s how you know you are tasting the very best. When recreating this cake, you need to be sure your ingredients are 100% correct, no more, no less, and mixed according to the directions.

Take your time, do it right, so you don’t wind up disappointed.

In 1876, Eduard Sacher his son, founded the Hotel Sacher and started selling the Sacher Torte there.

The Hotel Sacher is the only place with permission to use the termOriginal Sacher Torte, as well as the characteristic chocolate seal, and their signature layers of apricot jam.

Ready To Recreate The Original Sacher Torte?

I have eaten a lot of Sacher Tortes, and this is the recipe that comes closest to the Original Sacher Torte sold here in Austria. If you love Viennese treats, you might enjoy this lecker Linzer Torte too.

I always recommend making your own apricot jam if you can. That one ingredient can be a real game changer. Let’s begin!


Here’s What You’ll Need

  • 140 g butter (room temperature)
  • 110 g icing sugar
  • 1/2 pod vanilla (pulp)
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 6 egg whites
  • 130 g eating chocolate
  • 110 g sugar
  • 140 g flour (fine)
  • 200g apricot jam(Here’s how to make your own Apricot Jam)
  • butter and flour (for the cake form)
  • cream (whipped)

Ingredients For Frosting

  • 200 g sugar
  • 125 ml water
  • 150 g chocolate

* If you need to convert grams to ounces, you can use this link:Baking Converter *

Prepare To Make The Best Cake Of Your Life

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (2)

Make a medium sized bowl and whip the butter, icing sugar and vanilla until it is creamy.

Continue beating while you add the egg yolks until the mixture is thick and creamy.

It is best to use a balloon whisk if you have one.

Melt the chocolate using a double boiler. This is so you canto create a gentle and uniform heat. When the chocolate has completely melted, fold into the mass.

Beat the egg white until it’s stiff. Sprinkle in the sugar and continue to beat until the mass is stiff and glossy. Heap the beaten egg white onto the egg yolk mixture, sift over the flour and carefully fold with a cooking spoon.

You Are Almost There……

Next, line the bottom of a spring-clip cake form with baking paper and grease the sides of the form with butter. Make sure you grease the cake form properly so the cake won’t stick. Sift over some flour.

Fill the spring form with your mixture and spread evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 °C (340 F) for 55 minutes.

Check your cake, with any of these three simple tools:

1. A skewer/cake tester/other kind of pokey stick, preferably metal.

2. A thin bladed knife.

3. An instant-read/probe digital thermometer.

Leave your original Sacher Torte in the cake form, and slowly, and oh so gently, turn the cake upside down on a cake rack and allow to cool for about 20 minutes. If it has not cooled long enough, your cake will quickly fall apart.

Open the spring form and peel off the paper. Put the form back on the cake, then turn the cake over, allowing it to fully cool in the form so that all the the cake can settle.

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (3)

Now Here’s The Hard Part…

Remove the cake form andcut the cake in half horizontallywith a sharp knife.

Warm up the jam, and keep stirring until smooth. Spread on to both cake halves, then put them back together again. Spread the jam all over the cake and allow to dry for 5 -10 mins.

Frosting Time

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (4)

Allow the water to slightly boil, then melt the chocolate in a double boiler, and gradually stir in the sugar until it becomes a thick glaze.

Pour the warm frosting over the cake and,spread the frosting smoothly over the surface of the cake with a spatula. It the frosting is too hot when you do this, the cake will not be glossy when ready to eat.

Allow to dry for a few hours, until the icing is hard. It will be hard to resist tasting a slice, but if you can wait, it will be worth it! When you are ready, serve with whipped cream.

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (5)

I hope you love to bake and try out new recipes so that you can try out this original Sacher Torte.

However, if you can’t bake to save your life, I have good news for you. The wonderfulHotel Sacher in Viennawill actually ship it to you. The cake is packaged in an air tight wooden box and will arrive at your address in perfect condition.

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (6)

If you are still unsure about how to perfect this delicious treat, here is a video that will show you how to get it done.

Have you tasted an original Sacher Torte before? If not, I hope this recipe will inspire you tomake one soon. Share with me in the comments section below.

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (7)


austriacakechocolate cakerecipessacher torte

The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (8)


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The Original Sacher Torte Recipe: A Little Taste Of Vienna (2024)


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