The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (2024)

The shih tzu is a small but sturdy dog with a lush, long, double coat.Their luxurious coat befits their history as ancient, noble breed—as does their confident, courageous demeanor.

Shih tzus remain a favorite of toy dog enthusiasts. When properly trained and cared for, they can make wonderful house dogs. Their petite size makes this breed ideal for apartments and small living spaces. Plus they're considered hypoallergenic, making them a potential match for allergy sufferers.

Just be prepared for some snorting and snoring; The shih tzu is considered a brachycephalic breed because of their head shape and short, "smooshed" face. Learn more about the shih tzu:

Breed Overview


HEIGHT: 8 to 11 inches

WEIGHT: 9 to 16 pounds

COAT: Long double coat

COAT COLOR: Found in nearly any color, most commonly in black, white, blue, gold, liver, or combinations

LIFE SPAN: 10 to 16 years

TEMPERAMENT: Friendly, intelligent, playful, alert, loyal, lively



Characteristics of the Shih Tzu

Beloved for their charming and lovable temperament, shih tzus adore attention and will need lots of it, loving nothing more than hanging out with (and sitting on) their humans. They warm up to strangers quickly and will do well in homes with families large and small.

Affection LevelHigh
Exercise NeedsLow
Energy LevelMedium
Tendency to BarkMedium
Amount of SheddingLow

History of the Shih Tzu

The name shih tzu originates from the Chinese word for "lion" because of the breed's lion-like appearance. Evidence of the shih tzu 's ancestors can be traced back to the Lhasa apso and Pekingese, particularly in Tibet. DNA analysis shows the shih tzu, like the Lhasa apso, is a more direct branch from the wolf than many other dog breeds.

The exact origins of the shih tzu as a Chinese royal house pet are hazy, with different dates offered over the past 1,100 years. The breed became known as a noble dog of China, primarily as a royal house pet to members of the Ming Dynasty from the 14th to 17th centuries. They were also favorites of the Empress Cixi in the late 1800s.

The shih tzu has always been a house pet and lap dog and has never been bred for any other known purpose. This differentiates the breed from the Lhasa apso, which served as temple guards. Perhaps this is why the shih tzu remains, to this day, one of the most pampered and popular of the toy dog breeds.

Historically, Chinese royals didn't allow the dog to be traded outside the nobility. It wasn't until 1930 that the first shih tzus were imported into Europe. They then arrived in the United States after World War II and were recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1969.

Shih Tzu Care

Because of their petite size and high intelligence, shih tzu dogs are relatively easy to care for. By keeping just a few important care requirements top of mind, you can ensure a happy and healthy dog for years to come. You will need to put some time in training them, however.

So they're not high-maintenance dogs, but they certainly aren't low maintenance either.

The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (1)

The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (2)

The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (3)


The shih tzu has a moderate energy level and needs routineexercise. Dailywalksand fun gamescan help keep your shih tzu mentally and physically stimulated. They adapt very well to apartment living as long as you give them enough time for active play. However, shih tzus will not do well in overwhelmingly hot environments or weather because of their flat faces and propensity towards heat exhaustion.


The shih tzu's coat grows continuously with minimal shedding, leading the majority of people to consider them a low-allergy breed (see: hypoallergenic dog breed).

The loose hairs are more likely to be retained in the coat rather than the air—however, be aware that the allergens remain in dander and saliva, so there will still be some present in the environment around the dog. If you're sensitive, it's wise to spend time with a shih tzu to see if this breed provokes your allergies before adopting one.

Many owners choose to keep their dog's hair trimmed short, making it appear somewhat curly and fluffy. Others opt to keep the coat long and luxurious.Because of their coat type, routinegroomingis an absolute necessity for the shih tzu.

They should be brushed once or twice a week (daily if the coat is kept long) and haircuts may be necessary every several weeks. When their facial hair isn't trimmed, it can irritate their eyes—this is why you may see some shih tzus adorned with a topknot or a bow.

The dog's nails should be trimmed at least once a month, and you'll need to help your dog with oral hygiene by brushing their teeth daily. Keep in mind that due to head shape, this breed usually has poorly aligned teeth that lead to more advanced dental disease sooner in life. That requires regular professional dental cleanings by a veterinarian several times throughout their lives.


Propertrainingandsocializationare important in order to keep your shih tzu happy and well-adjusted.Don't skip these practices just because the shih tzu is a small dog.The breedis relatively smartbut also has a bit of a stubborn streak, so these dogs can end up as troublemakers if you don't instill the good habits early.

Shih tzus can be difficult to housebreak, so you'll need to be diligent in training your dog beginning at a young age. They can be vocal, so you may want to brush up on ways to limit barking.

This breed gets along well in a multi-pet household with other friendly dogs and cats, especially if they're raised together. Shih tzus can be great with children as long as the child is old enough to handle a dog gently and respectfully and the dog has been appropriately socialized. As a small dog, the shih tzu can be easily injured by rough play.

Common Health Problems

They're generally healthy dogs, but common health problems for shih tzus can include:

  • Brachycephalic syndrome: Common in flat-faced breeds, this is a problem caused by abnormal airway anatomy that leads to difficulties breathing. Common symptoms include snoring, noisy or labored breathing, exercise intolerance, and nasal discharge.
  • Hip dysplasia: This is fairly common in dogs and occurs when the hip join fails to develop correctly, causing pain, muscle loss, and an unsteady gait.
  • Patellar luxation: This happens when a dog's kneecap slips out of place, causing limping and oddly bent legs. Some kneecaps can be put back into place relatively easily while some dogs need surgery.
  • Intervertebral disc disease: This age-related disorder of the spine is also called a "slipped disc." Symptoms include pain, abnormal gait or limping, shivering, and difficulty standing.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: This is a fancy term for dry eyes, and in shih tzus it's often caused by an auto-immune disease. Symptoms include thick eye discharge, eye redness, crusting in the fur around the eyes, and excessive blinking.
  • Distichiasis: Another eye issue, this is a problem of abnormal hair growth on the eyelids that can lead to irritation, corneal ulcers and scarring. Symptoms include eye redness, pawing at the eyes, squinting, and difficulty seeing.

Responsible breeders strive to maintain the highest breed standards as established by kennel clubs like the AKC. Dogs bred by these standards are less likely to inherit these health conditions.

The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (4)

Diet and Nutrition

As a small dog, a shih tzu needs only up to 1 cup of dry dog food per day. The exact amount depends on the dog's age, activity level, size, and health. It's important to monitor your dog's weight and take action if you see the dog is becoming overweight. Discuss the appropriate nutritional strategy with your veterinarian to get recommendations.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Shih Tzu

Anytime you're looking to adopt or buy a dog, there is a variety of price factors you need to consider, such as the cost of the puppy, supplies, and veterinary bills. On average, shih tzus can cost from $500 to $2,000 (even up to $5,000 depending on quality and championships in the line).

Remember: They require lifelong expenses that will greatly exceed the purchase cost with proper veterinary, grooming, and dietary care. It's important to plan ahead for regular care and unexpected emergencies, as well as looking into a reputable breeder or adoption agency, which you can do through the following shih tzu organizations:

You can also get in touch with a local animal shelter to find out if there are any shih tzu rescues in your area.

Shih Tzu Overview

Shih tzus have pros and cons when it comes to owning one (or three).


  • Lovable and affectionate
  • Great with kids
  • Loves to site on your lap
  • Can live in small homes
  • Coexists with other dogs and pets


  • High-maintenance coat
  • Difficult to housebreak
  • Breathing issues
  • Prone to certain health problems

19 Toy Dog Breeds That Are Great as Pets

More Dog Breeds and Further Research

If you think the shih tzu is the right dog breed for you, be sure to do plenty of research before adopting one. Talk to other shih tzuowners, reputable breeders, your veterinarian and rescue groups to learn more.

If you're interested in similar breeds, explore these to compare the pros and cons:

  • Silky terrier
  • Maltese
  • Bolognese
  • Shih-poo

Explore the variety ofdog breeds out there. With a little research, you can find the right one to bring home.


  • How do you groom a shih tzu?

    Because of their long and fluffy coats, shih tzus need to be brushed a few times a week, and bathed and groomed every few weeks. It's easy, once you get the hang of it, although you can always hire someone to do it for you.

  • How many puppies can a shih tzu have?

    Shih tzu litters are usually about three to four puppies, unless it's the mother's first litter. If that's the case, it's one or two.

  • How do you train a shih tzu?

    Shih tzus are notoriously hard to train. While you can do it yourself, you might want to enlist some help with online training, recommended books, or even hiring a trainer in person.

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The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog (2024)


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